United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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UN SDGs Corporate Guidebook Series

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…no matter your area of interest,

this one’s for you!

The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all nations of the UN in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, consist of 17 Goals and 169 Targets underneath the Goals. The SDGs were designed with input of 10+ million people globally. The ambitious 2030 Agenda cannot be achieved solely by the efforts of governments, nonprofits and NGOs. We need the private sector to get involved NOW!

SDG and SISR Books
That is why we are producing 17 UN SDG Corporate Guidebooks. Our expansive global team of researchers and writers represents a range from the best minds in industry, leaders in academia, and even fresh points of view from our student interns. Each SDG has its own dedicated team, and positions are available on many of them. This is the Decade of Action and we are recruiting your help to achieve A WORLD WE ALL WANT.
Visit the SDG Team Pages to learn about each Corporate Guidebook Progress, meet the teams, and find out about opportunities to contribute as a researcher, writer, reviewer, intern and more…
  • Recruiting Soon
  • Recruiting Now
  • Some Openings
  • Manuscript in Review
  • Published - No Border

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View our recorded Info Session

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Complete Questionnaire – many roles available!

Complete Questionnaire - many roles available!

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Why Join Our UN SDG Project?

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